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What to Do When My Cat Refuses to Use the Litter Box: A Comprehensive Guide

If my cat refuses to use the litter box, this guide helps with medical and behavioral solutions to resolve litter box issues quickly. Learn more now.

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This pet health content was written by a veterinarian, Dr. Pippa Elliott, BVMS, MRCVS, with contributions from Dr. Debora Lichtenberg, VMD. This article was originally published in 2012 and is regularly updated. It was last reviewed for accuracy and updated on July 15, 2024

If you have questions or concerns, call your vet, who is best equipped to ensure the health and well-being of your pet. This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. See additional information.

my cat refuses to use the litter box image
My cat refuses to use the litter box? Take the cat to the veterinarian for a full checkup. Have health problems ruled out first before you conclude that this is a behavioral matter. Photo: eviltomthai

What to Do When My Cat Refuses to Use the Litter Box

“Help! My cat won’t use the litter box and is ‘going’ on my floor!”

Such simple words, but such a complex problem.

If your cat refuses to use the litter box, this is something you should not ignore. For the cat, inappropriate urination or defecation is a cry for help. For you, it’s a frustrating inconvenience. And the longer the problem goes on, the more established it becomes.

So when this happens, you need to act quickly — but in the right way. It’s important to know that punishing your cat only makes things much worse.

When Your Cat Refuses to Use the Litter Box, It’s a Cry for Help

When a cat eliminates outside the litter box, it’s a plea for help. There are two broad reasons for bad litter box habits: health problems and behavioral problems.

Steps to Address Litter Box Issues:

When your cat refuses to use the litter box, it’s crucial not to jump to conclusions or assume the cat is just being difficult. Always check for health problems first. If health issues are ruled out, then consider what might be causing the behavior. Your veterinarian can help investigate health issues, and understanding your cat’s behavior can shed light on the problem.

Identify the Cat Causing the Issue

In multi-cat households, it’s common for one or more cats to stop using the litter box. Here’s how to identify the culprit:

  • Confine the Cats:
    • Act like a pet detective. If you have two cats, confine them separately.
    • Place Cat 1 in a safe area with a litter box.
      • If Cat 1 uses the box and urination continues, Cat 2 is likely the problem.
      • If Cat 1 urinates outside the box in confinement, Cat 1 is the problem.
  • Separate and Observe:
    • If house soiling stops after separating the cats, it’s an inter-cat issue, likely a behavioral problem.
    • Consider separate areas, more litter boxes, or more space for each cat.
    • In some cases, finding a new home for one of the cats may be necessary.
  • Use Technology:
    • A nanny-kitty cam can help identify which cat is eliminating outside the box.

For more tips on managing multi-cat households, check out this guide on multi-cat household tips.

4 Health Problems That Can Cause Litter Box Avoidance

Have you ever been “caught short”? That sudden urgent, overwhelming need for the toilet is not pleasant. It happens to cats as well, and more often than you think.

Numerous health problems can make a cat need to squat right then and there, before they reach the litter tray. The key to getting these kitties back on track is to treat their discomfort.

1. Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD)

FLUTD is a blanket term for various bladder problems. Bladder discomfort caused by FLUTD can trick the cat into thinking they need to pee immediately. Causes include:

  • Crystals in the urine: These can chafe the bladder lining.
  • Bladder stones: These can rattle against the bladder wall like a sneaker in a tumble dryer.
  • Stress-related inflammation: This can affect the bladder lining.
  • Urine infections: These can cause significant discomfort.

Learn more about FLUTD and bladder stones in cats.

2. Upset Stomach

A sudden stomach cramp can override litter box training. Telltale signs include soft feces, feces covered in jelly, or feces containing blood. Causes include:

  • Sudden change of diet
  • Infections, especially if the cat is fed a raw diet
  • Food allergy or intolerance
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Lymphoma affecting the gut

Ensure the cat is dewormed, and consider switching their diet carefully. Learn more about food allergies and inflammatory bowel disease in cats.

3. Increased Thirst

When a cat drinks more than usual, their bladder fills up quickly. If they wake from a deep sleep with a stretched bladder, urgency may trump training.

4. Pain and Discomfort

Some cats, especially seniors, may be too sore to get in and out of the litter box. A cat with arthritis may struggle with a deep tray and give up trying altogether. Additionally, pain can cause a cat to link discomfort with the litter box, leading to avoidance.

For more information on signs of aging in cats, and how to handle litter box training, visit litter training kittens.

How Your Veterinarian Can Help

To determine the cause of your cat’s litter box avoidance, your veterinarian will take several steps:

  • Detailed History: The vet will ask about your cat’s habits, appetite, thirst, weight loss or gain, and activity levels.
  • Physical Examination: A thorough physical exam will provide further clues.
  • Diagnostic Tests:

The key to resolving the issue is to address any underlying health problems. If pain has caused your cat to associate the litter box with discomfort, rebuilding their confidence in using the litter box will be necessary. This leads us to consider behavioral aspects.

Behavioral Problems That Can Cause Litter Box Avoidance

When a healthy cat avoids the litter box, the issue is usually behavioral. Understanding the underlying reasons can help address the problem effectively. Here are three common behavioral problems:

1. Unneutered Male Cat

  • Territory Marking: Intact male cats often spray to mark their territory. Learn more about spraying. Neutering can reduce this behavior. Consider a neuter procedure.
  • Stray Cats: Even neutered cats may mark territory if they sense a stray cat nearby. Reducing the presence of stray cats can alleviate this issue.

2. Middening

  • Non-Spray Marking: Cats may leave feces as a territorial message to other cats. This is known as middening.
  • Territorial Stress: Ensuring your cat feels secure and reducing the presence of other cats can help minimize this behavior.

3. Litter Box Aversion

  • Dirty Litter Box: Cats dislike using dirty litter boxes. Ensure regular cleaning.
  • Scary Events: A loud noise or a frightening experience near the litter box can cause aversion. Relocate the box to a quieter area.
  • Litter Preferences: Cats may have specific litter preferences. Experiment with different types to find one your cat likes.
  • Box Design: Some cats prefer covered boxes, while others do not. Try different designs to see what your cat prefers.

Understanding these behavioral issues can help you address your cat’s litter box problems and prevent damage to your home.

Kitties may not like using the litter box for several reasons, one being that it’s too far away. Photo: chrisbrooks

How Litter Box Aversion Develops

Here are some common reasons why litter box aversion might develop:

  • Dirty Litter Box: The litter box is full of damp, smelly kitty litter or piles of poop. No one likes to use a dirty toilet. Learn more about cat litter box maintenance.
  • Frightening Location: The box is located beside a washing machine or the cat flap. Your poor kitty might have gotten the fright of their life when the washing machine went into the spin cycle or a stray cat popped through the flap.
  • Unpleasant Smell or Texture: The box smells strongly of disinfectant, or there’s a plastic liner that doesn’t feel right when the cat digs the substrate.
  • Unfamiliar Kitty Litter: The kitty litter isn’t one your cat is used to or likes.
  • Box Design Issues: The litter box has a lid (making it airless and stuffy) or doesn’t have a lid (leaving your cat feeling vulnerable and exposed). Some cats are hard to please!
  • Size and Accessibility: The box itself doesn’t suit the cat because it’s too small (it should be at least 1.5 times the cat’s length) or the sides are too high (making it difficult for the stiff old cat to climb in).
  • Sharing Issues: The cat has to share a box (cats definitely don’t like to share). The general rule is 1 litter box per cat, plus 1 more.
  • Proximity to Food or Water: The litter box is placed near their food or water. No one likes eating their dinner in the bathroom.
  • Lack of Privacy: There is a row of litter boxes placed side by side. Privacy is essential for cats.
  • Stress Factors: The cat feels stressed (a new baby arrives, a new pet comes in, you go back to work … you name it). Pheromones such as Feliway and nutraceuticals such as Zylkene can help a lot if this is the case.

Understanding these factors can help you address and prevent litter box aversion in your cat.

Don’t Discount Separation Anxiety

Many cats develop their first litter box aversion when their humans are away, which could be a separation anxiety issue. Cats hate it when you leave them.

Steps to Address Separation Anxiety

  • Play Detective: Understand why your cat isn’t happy. If you notice that the soiling started after you bought new cat litter, switch back to the original kitty litter.
  • Revert Changes: Most times, cats want things to go back to the way they were. If there has been a change, revert it.
  • Adjust the Litter Box Location: If the tray is beside a noisy appliance like the washer, offer a second tray in a quieter and more secure location. Place this second tray where the cat soils, which can speed up retraining. Once the cat is using the second tray, remove the first.

Understanding and addressing separation anxiety can significantly improve your cat’s litter box habits.

Test different litter box substrates to help your cat discover their preference. Photo: tetsumo

How to Create the Perfect Litter Box

If you can’t identify and correct the cause of poor litter box behavior, try to create an inviting litter tray with these suggestions:

Multiple Boxes

  • Rule of Thumb: 1 litter box per cat, plus 1 spare.
    • A 5-cat household needs at least 6 trays, and more is better.

Location Is Everything

  • Privacy: Don’t line trays in a neat row. Place them in different locations to provide privacy and prevent one cat from hogging all the trays.
  • Quiet Spots: Look for quiet spots where the cat won’t be disturbed. Put the boxes where your cat prefers.
  • Corner Placement: Situate a tray in the corner of a room to help the cat feel more confident.
  • Convenient Locations: Avoid placing the box in the basement if your cat dislikes traveling far to urinate. Use nearby night lights for added convenience.

No Food or Water Nearby

  • Separate Areas: Don’t place food, water, and the litter box in the same area. To a cat, it’s like eating while on the toilet.

Size Matters

  • Proper Dimensions: The tray should be at least 1.5 times the cat’s length. Improvise with oil drip trays, concrete mixing trays, or under-the-bed storage containers.
  • Accessibility: For elderly cats, use containers with lower sides or provide shallow steps to make it easier for them to climb in and out.

Litter Type

  • Preferences: Stick with a litter your cat knows and likes. Avoid highly perfumed litters, which can offend a cat’s sensitive sense of smell.
  • Litter Depth: Provide at least 2 inches of litter.
  • Alternative Substrates: If your cat dislikes litter, try soil, which many cats prefer. Gradually transition from soil to traditional kitty litter as the cat learns good habits.


Creating a perfect litter box environment can significantly improve your cat’s litter box habits and overall happiness.

Final Thoughts

So there we have it, a quick guide to what you need to know when your cat refuses to use the litter box.

Anything that disrupts your cat’s private time can lead to bad habits. Remember, the most important step is to visit the veterinarian to rule out any medical problems before labeling the cat as behaving badly.

By understanding the reasons behind litter box avoidance and creating a comfortable, clean, and inviting litter box environment, you can help your cat return to good litter box habits and ensure their overall well-being.

If you need more tips or face persistent issues, consult with your veterinarian for personalized advice and support.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why does my cat refuse to use the litter box?

Cats may refuse to use the litter box due to health issues, behavioral problems, or environmental factors.
