Understanding Why Your Cat Constantly Meowing: 7 Common Reasons Explained

Learn why your cat constantly meowing might be due to hunger, stress, or old age. Discover 7 common reasons and how to address them.

This article about understanding why your cat constantly meowing was originally published in 2015 and is regularly updated. It was last reviewed for accuracy and updated on June 28, 2024

cat constantly meowing image
Stress is just one of many reasons your cat may be meowing all the time. Photo: Flo

Cat constantly meowing? If you’re like me, you want to know what your cat is trying to convey (especially when they won’t shush). From just saying “hello” to simply being hungry, here are some possible explanations for constant meowing.

Cat Constantly Meowing: 7 Reasons Why

1. Your Cat Simply Wants Attention

Maybe this is because the cat wants to play, or they’re bored.

  • Don’t respond every time your cat meows; instead, give them attention when they get quiet.
  • If your cat keeps meowing, walk away until they calm down.
  • Walking away is for excessive meowing, but be sure to spend time with your cat every day (they are part of your family, after all).
  • Playing with your cat provides a proper amount of exercise, essential for their well-being.

Keep rewarding the quiet behavior and ignoring the constant meowing. Rewarding your cat for their calmness can help curb the noises, but it might still be a long process.

For more on keeping your cat entertained, check out they’re bored and learn about the proper amount of exercise they need.

2. Your Cat is Sick

Meowing is one way a cat communicates, and your cat may be trying to tell you that they don’t feel well.

  • Cats are good at hiding illnesses, and meowing or making noise without showing interest in food could be a sign of a health problem that needs attention.
  • Constant cat meowing could indicate an overactive thyroid, kidney disease, problems urinating, or a host of other health issues.

If this behavior is new in your cat, it’s worth a trip to the veterinarian. Learn more about how a cat communicates and potential health problems like overactive thyroid, kidney disease, and problems urinating.

3. Your Cat is Hungry

Some cats may meow for only 2 things: a litter box–related reason or food.

  • If the food bowl is empty, your cat will let you know by meowing a lot.
  • Make sure your cat is getting enough food and is eating at the appropriate times.
  • While you’re at it, check the water bowl too.

By understanding these reasons and responding appropriately, you can help reduce your cat’s constant meowing and ensure they are healthy and happy.

Cat meowing constantly
Times of stress and change can make your cat meow more than usual. When in doubt, though, see your vet. Photo: rtdphotography

4. Your Cat is Stressed

Changes in the home, new people, new animals, or other causes could stress your cat out.

  • If your cat is meowing a lot during these changes, it could be an occasional “I don’t like this” meow or a constant and loud “I’m really mad about this!” noise.
  • Keep an eye out for new changes that may upset them and interact with them as much as you can.
  • If you are adding an animal to your household, properly socialize the new pet with your cat to avoid behavioral issues.

For more on this topic, check out how to introduce new people to your cat.

5. Your Cat is Old and Confused

Cats, like people, can become forgetful or confused in old age.

  • Disorientation is not uncommon, and your cat may meow out of frustration or confusion.
  • Leave a light on at night if your cat vocalizes then or if they are bumping into things.
  • If your older cat isn’t just “talking” to you but is yowling very loudly, then please see the vet.

Finding and treating the underlying cause can do a lot more than give you back a good night’s sleep — it can add happy years to your cat’s life, as Dr. Debora Lichtenberg, VMD, explains in her article “Why Does My Older Cat Yowl All the Time?”

Learn more about why cats become forgetful or confused in old age.

Why does my cat meow so much? Check out the range of noises this little meow-machine makes:

YouTube player

6. Your Cat is in Heat

Female cats in heat can become very vocal suddenly. They do this to attract males. Males are also noisy if they detect a cat in heat nearby.

  • Do yourself and the feline overpopulation problem a favor — have your girl spayed. This not only helps with the noise but also addresses the issue of feline overpopulation.

Learn more about caring for a female cat in heat and the benefits of having your cat spayed.

7. Your Cat Just Wants to Tell You Hello

Sometimes your cat may be meowing to say hi. It’s as simple as that.

Understanding Excessive Meowing in Cats

Excessive meowing in cats can be a cause of concern for many pet owners. It’s important to understand that meowing is a primary way cats communicate with their owners and their environment. However, when a cat is constantly meowing, it might indicate an underlying issue that needs attention. Some of the common reasons include:

  • Hunger: Cats will often meow to alert their owners that it’s time for a meal.
  • Attention: A cat might meow excessively if they feel neglected or want to play.
  • Stress: Changes in the environment, such as new people or pets, can stress a cat, leading to increased vocalization.
  • Medical Issues: Conditions like hyperthyroidism, dental problems, or arthritis can cause a cat to meow more than usual.
  • Old Age: Older cats might meow out of confusion or due to cognitive dysfunction.

Please: Do Not Yell at Your Cat for Meowing

Interact with your cat and try to calm them if the vocalizations become worrisome.

  • Don’t scold your cat for meowing. Apart from not being nice, this may cause fear and insecurity — which would mean further behavioral issues.

Learn more about how scolding your cat may cause fear and insecurity

Tips to Reduce Excessive Meowing

If your cat is constantly meowing, there are several strategies you can try to help reduce this behavior:

  • Consistent Feeding Schedule: Ensure your cat is fed at the same times each day to avoid hunger-related meowing.
  • Attention and Play: Spend quality time with your cat daily. Engage them with toys and interactive play to keep them stimulated and satisfied.
  • Environmental Enrichment: Provide scratching posts, climbing trees, and interactive toys to keep your cat entertained.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Reward your cat with treats or affection when they are quiet and calm. Avoid giving attention when they meow excessively.
  • Veterinary Check-up: Regular vet visits can help rule out any medical issues that might be causing the excessive meowing.

Implementing these tips can help create a more harmonious living environment for you and your cat.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why is my cat meowing constantly?

Your cat may be meowing constantly due to hunger, attention-seeking, stress, medical issues, or old age.

What does it mean when a cat is constantly meowing?

Constant meowing can indicate a need for food, attention, or indicate stress, illness, or aging-related confusion.

Why is my cat constantly meowing at me?

Your cat might be meowing at you constantly to communicate needs like food, attention, or discomfort.

Why is my male cat constantly meowing?

A male cat may constantly meow due to the same reasons as any cat, including hunger, attention, stress, or health issues, and if unneutered, he might be responding to a nearby female in heat.
