Top 20 Running Dog Breeds: The Best Companions for Joggers

Discover the top 20 running dog breeds that make excellent jogging partners. Find the perfect companion to match your pace and keep you motivated on your runs.

running dog breeds image
Some running dog breeds are more tolerant of running than others. The best judge of your dog’s jogging or running limitations is you. If you have questions, be sure to consult your veterinarian.
Photo: wal_172619

Outdoor Workouts and Running Dog Breeds

The COVID-19 pandemic led many to explore new ways to exercise, with outdoor activities like walking, jogging, or running becoming popular. One of the best aspects of outdoor workouts is that you can include your dog. However, some running dog breeds are better suited for the faster pace of jogging or running than others.

  • Benefits of outdoor workouts:
    • Fresh air and change of scenery
    • Opportunity to bond with your dog
    • Increased physical activity

While Dachshunds may struggle to keep up, certain longer-legged breeds thrive in these activities. For more information on how the pandemic has impacted pet health and outdoor activities, check out this article on the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jogging With Senior Dogs

Senior dogs may not be able to keep up the same speed and distance as they once did. It’s important to remember that they’re not just “being lazy”; age naturally slows all of us down, including our dogs. Pushing a dog beyond their limitations can make a daily walk or jog unpleasant and even harmful. Always consider your dog’s age and health condition when planning activities.

  • Tips for jogging with senior dogs:
    • Adjust the pace and distance according to your dog’s ability
    • Watch for signs of fatigue or discomfort
    • Provide regular breaks and water

For more tips on keeping your senior dog active, check out “7 Fun Ways to Get Your Older Dog Moving”.

Photo of woman jogging with a puppy on a beach
When it comes to going for jogs, puppies tire out much more quickly than adult dogs. Photo: sarangib

Jogging With Puppies

While puppies often have high energy levels, they can tire more quickly than adult dogs. It’s crucial not to push puppies beyond their physical limitations, as their bones and body structure are still developing. For running dog breeds, this means avoiding hard surfaces like concrete until they are at least 18 months old, according to the American Kennel Club (AKC). Overexertion can lead to orthopedic damage in young dogs.

  • Key considerations for jogging with puppies:
    • Gradually increase exercise intensity
    • Avoid hard surfaces until fully grown
    • Consult with your veterinarian

For more guidance on suitable breeds and running tips, check out the American Kennel Club’s advice.

The Best Running Dog Breeds for Joggers

It’s essential to remember that every dog is unique, and not all dogs within a breed will have the same tolerance for running. However, certain running dog breeds are generally better suited for specific workout routines. These breeds are typically characterized by their stamina, build, and enthusiasm for physical activity.

  • Top running dog breeds:
    • Labrador Retriever
    • Border Collie
    • German Shorthaired Pointer
    • Vizsla
    • Weimaraner

These breeds are known for their endurance and make excellent jogging partners. Always consider your dog’s individual capabilities and consult with a veterinarian to ensure they are fit for running.

Top Running Dog Breeds for Short Jogs

These running dog breeds are perfect for short jogs, generally around 5 miles or less. They excel at shorter distances due to their body structure or coat type. Here are some popular choices:

Best Running Dog Breeds for Longer Jogs

For those who love longer runs, these breeds are known for their stamina and endurance, often wanting to keep going even after you’ve finished.

Dog Breeds That Do Well on Walks

All dogs benefit from regular exercise, including walks. Whether short strolls or long hikes, walking is a great way to keep your dog healthy and happy. While some breeds are more energetic and suited for jogging, most dogs, regardless of breed, enjoy walking.

  • Walking benefits for dogs:
    • Promotes physical health
    • Mental stimulation
    • Strengthens the bond between dog and owner

For more tips on keeping your dog active throughout the year, check out “How to Exercise Your Dog Anytime — Even in the Winter”.

Weather Considerations for Running Dog Breeds

When deciding if your dog should join you for a run, it’s crucial to consider their age, medical condition, and breed, as well as the weather. Some running dog breeds, especially long-coated ones like Golden Retrievers, Akitas, and Huskies, struggle in hot weather. It’s vital not to shave their coats, as explained by Dr. Jerry Klein, DVM; this can lead to heat stroke and skin issues. Proper brushing and grooming help keep dogs cool during warm months.

  • Weather tips for running with dogs:
    • Exercise during cooler times of the day
    • Use jackets for short-coated breeds in cold weather
    • Avoid extreme temperatures and check the running surface

For more details on protecting your dog in hot weather, visit Keeping Dogs Safe in Hot Weather. Learn more from Dr. Jerry Klein, DVM and the importance of brushing and grooming.

Most Popular Breeds

Labrador Retriever
German Shepherd Dog
Golden Retriever
French Bulldog

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Before we jump into the final section of this article, check out this great video from The Run Experience, with tips on how to run with your dog:

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Proper Gear for Running with Dog Breeds

When heading out for a run with your dog, ensure you have the right gear to keep both of you safe and comfortable. This includes proper harnesses and leashes, plenty of water, and a phone for emergencies. In rural areas, consider carrying wildlife deterrents like noise-making devices, bear repellent, or pepper spray.

  • Essential gear for running with dogs:
    • Durable harness and leash (Ruffwear Roamer Leash)
    • Water and collapsible bowls
    • Emergency contact information

Run off-leash only if your dog is 100% voice-command trained. Trainer Caitlin Crittenden emphasizes the importance of teaching the “Come” command, which can save your dog’s life. For more details, check out the guide on off-leash etiquette and the article “5 Basic Commands Every Dog Should Know”.

Final Thoughts on the Best Running Dog Breeds

Every dog is unique, and their ability to run will vary. Some dogs may have endless energy, while others prefer more leisurely activities. The best judge of your dog’s running limitations is you. Enjoy the time with your best friend, whether it’s a walk, run, or jog—it’s a great way to bond and stay healthy!