Comprehensive Guide to VOHC: Veterinary Oral Health Council

Learn about VOHC, its seal of acceptance, and how VOHC-approved products can improve your pet’s dental health. Discover the benefits and importance of VOHC.

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Photo: AVDC

What is VOHC: Veterinary Oral Health Council

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Photo: master1305

The Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) promotes pet dental health by evaluating and endorsing products that effectively reduce plaque and tartar, granting them a Seal of Acceptance. This seal assures pet owners that VOHC-approved products have undergone rigorous testing for efficacy and safety, helping prevent periodontal disease and other dental issues. By choosing VOHC-approved products, pet owners can ensure better oral hygiene and overall health for their pets.

In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the VOHC and its importance in pet dental care. For more in-depth information on maintaining your dog’s teeth and overall dental health, check out our guide on dog teeth care and comprehensive guide on dog dental care.

Purpose and History of VOHC

The Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) was conceived in the 1980s from discussions among veterinary dental professionals about the need for an objective means of endorsing veterinary dental products. Following a series of meetings sponsored by the American Veterinary Dental College (AVDC) and the University of Pennsylvania, the VOHC was formally established in 1997 to review and approve products that effectively reduce plaque and tartar in pets.

The purpose of the VOHC is to set and maintain high standards for pet dental care products, ensuring they undergo rigorous scientific testing before earning the VOHC Seal of Acceptance. This seal helps pet owners choose reliable products that promote better dental health and prevent periodontal disease, significantly improving pets’ quality of life. The first VOHC Seal of Acceptance was awarded in 1998, and the VOHC’s endorsement system is now recognized globally, promoting better dental health for pets worldwide.

How the VOHC Seal of Acceptance Works

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VOHC Brochure Page 1 | Photo: VOHC

The VOHC Seal of Acceptance is awarded to pet dental products that meet rigorous criteria for efficacy in reducing plaque and tartar. To earn the seal, a product must undergo extensive testing, including clinical trials conducted by independent researchers. These trials assess the product’s ability to reduce plaque and calculus over a specified period. The results are then reviewed by the VOHC, which evaluates the data to ensure the product meets their stringent standards. Only products that demonstrate significant and reliable effectiveness in promoting dental health receive the VOHC Seal of Acceptance, providing pet owners with confidence in their purchase decisions.

Benefits of VOHC Approved Products

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VOHC Brochure Page 2. Photo: VOHC

VOHC-approved products offer numerous benefits for maintaining your pet’s dental health. These products undergo rigorous testing to ensure their effectiveness in reducing plaque and tartar, which are primary causes of periodontal disease in pets. By choosing VOHC-approved products, pet owners can trust that they are providing the best care for their pet’s oral health. Here are some key benefits:

  • Effective Plaque and Tartar Reduction: VOHC-approved products are scientifically proven to significantly reduce plaque and tartar buildup, preventing dental diseases.
  • Improved Breath: Regular use of these products can lead to fresher breath, enhancing your pet’s overall comfort and hygiene.
  • Prevention of Periodontal Disease: By reducing plaque and tartar, these products help prevent periodontal disease, which can lead to pain, infection, and tooth loss.
  • Enhanced Overall Health: Good dental hygiene contributes to better overall health, reducing the risk of other health issues related to poor oral hygiene.
  • Trusted Assurance: The VOHC Seal of Acceptance assures pet owners that the products have been thoroughly tested and meet high standards of efficacy and safety.

Why is the VOHC Seal Important?

The VOHC Seal of Acceptance is crucial because it guarantees the efficacy of dental products in reducing plaque and tartar, key contributors to periodontal disease in pets. This seal is awarded only after rigorous testing and scientific validation, ensuring that the products meet high standards of effectiveness and safety. For pet owners, the VOHC seal provides peace of mind, knowing they are choosing products that have been independently verified to support their pet’s oral health and prevent serious dental issues. This assurance helps pet owners confidently select dental care products that genuinely benefit their pets’ well-being.

List of VOHC Approved Products for Dogs

The Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) has approved numerous products that are proven to help maintain your dog’s dental health by reducing plaque and tartar buildup. Below is a list of popular VOHC-approved products for dogs, categorized by type. For a comprehensive list, you can refer to the VOHC Accepted Products Table for Dogs.

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Dental Chews:

Dental Gels:

Dental Diets:

List of VOHC Approved Products for Cats

For cat owners, the VOHC also offers a selection of products designed to maintain feline dental health. These products are effective in reducing plaque and tartar and ensuring overall oral hygiene. For a complete list, you can refer to the VOHC Accepted Products Table for Cats.

Petful is reader-supported. As an affiliate of platforms like Amazon, we may earn a commission when you buy through links on this page at no extra cost to you. Our recommendations are unbiased and chosen with your best interest in mind.

Dental Chews:

Dental Gels:

Dental Diets:

By incorporating these VOHC-approved products into your pet’s dental care routine, you can ensure they maintain optimal oral health. For a detailed list of all VOHC-approved products, please refer to the official VOHC tables for dogs and cats.

VOHC Protocols and Standards

The Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) follows stringent protocols and standards to ensure that products meet high-quality dental health criteria for pets. Products seeking the VOHC Seal of Acceptance must undergo rigorous testing to demonstrate their efficacy in reducing plaque and tartar. The testing process includes:

  1. Controlled Clinical Trials: Products are tested in controlled clinical trials conducted by independent researchers. These trials involve a sufficient number of pets to provide statistically significant results.
  2. Plaque and Tartar Reduction: The primary criteria for VOHC approval are the product’s ability to significantly reduce plaque and tartar buildup on pets’ teeth. Products must show at least a 20% reduction in plaque and/or tartar to qualify.
  3. Scientific Validation: All data from clinical trials are subjected to thorough scientific review by the VOHC. The review process ensures that the results are reliable, reproducible, and meet the council’s high standards for dental health efficacy.
  4. Product Safety: In addition to efficacy, the safety of the product is evaluated. Products must be safe for regular use by pets and must not cause any adverse health effects.
  5. Regular Reevaluation: Approved products are periodically reevaluated to ensure they continue to meet VOHC standards. This includes ongoing monitoring of product performance and any new scientific evidence that may impact their efficacy or safety.

These protocols and standards ensure that the VOHC Seal of Acceptance is a trustworthy indicator of a product’s ability to maintain and improve pet dental health. Pet owners can rely on VOHC-approved products to provide effective and safe dental care for their pets.

How to Use VOHC Approved Products Effectively

Incorporating VOHC-approved products into your pet’s daily dental care routine can significantly improve their oral health. Here are some tips and guidelines to maximize the benefits:

  1. Daily Brushing: Use VOHC-approved toothpaste and a pet-specific toothbrush to brush your pet’s teeth daily. Start slowly to get your pet accustomed to the process and gradually increase the duration.
  2. Dental Chews: Give your pet VOHC-approved dental chews regularly. These chews help reduce plaque and tartar buildup through mechanical action as your pet chews. Follow the recommended feeding guidelines on the product packaging.
  3. Dental Gels and Sprays: Apply VOHC-approved dental gels or sprays directly to your pet’s teeth and gums. These products are designed to be easy to use and can help control plaque and tartar between brushings.
  4. Dental Diets: Incorporate VOHC-approved dental diets into your pet’s regular meals. These specially formulated foods help clean your pet’s teeth while they eat. Ensure you follow the feeding instructions provided by your veterinarian or the product manufacturer.
  5. Regular Vet Checkups: Schedule regular dental checkups with your veterinarian. Even with the use of VOHC-approved products, professional cleanings and examinations are crucial for maintaining optimal dental health.
  6. Monitor Oral Health: Regularly check your pet’s mouth for signs of dental issues such as bad breath, red or swollen gums, and loose or broken teeth. Early detection can prevent more severe dental problems.
  7. Consistency is Key: Make dental care a routine part of your pet’s daily life. Consistent use of VOHC-approved products will yield the best results in maintaining oral hygiene and preventing dental disease.

By following these tips and incorporating VOHC-approved products into your pet’s daily dental care routine, you can ensure their teeth and gums stay healthy, reducing the risk of periodontal disease and other dental issues.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is VOHC?

The Veterinary Oral Health Council (VOHC) is an organization that awards its Seal of Acceptance to pet dental products proven to reduce plaque and tartar.

What does VOHC stand for?

VOHC stands for Veterinary Oral Health Council.

What does VOHC approved mean?

VOHC approved means that a pet dental product has been tested and proven to effectively reduce plaque and tartar, earning the VOHC Seal of Acceptance.

Is VOHC legitimate?

Yes, VOHC is a legitimate organization recognized for its rigorous standards in evaluating and approving pet dental products.