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Almond Butter Doggy Doughnuts With Carob Icing (Recipe)

These look so delicious, so decadent — you’ll wonder why they’re going to the dog instead of YOU.

Almond Butter Doggy Doughnuts
These almond butter doggy doughnuts are probably the cutest dog biscuits I’ve ever made. Photos: Allison Gray/Petful

Since my previous carob powder recipe, I’ve found myself with an excess of carob powder and a hankering to try some more pup treat recipes that include carob.

When I found this recipe online, I was immediately won over by the dreamy photos.

And Banjo? She was won over by the taste.

This recipe originally called for peanut butter. But Dr. Judy Morgan, DVM, CVA, CVCP, CVFT, who reviewed this recipe for Petful, says, “I do not like to use peanut butter when making food or treats for dogs. Peanuts (a legume) are commonly affected by aflatoxins, a toxin produced by molds. Not to mention the xylitol risk with peanut butter. Almond butter is a much better substitute.”

Almond Butter Doggy Doughnuts
Ingredients include almond butter, milk, flour, an egg and baking powder.

Almond Butter Doggy Doughnuts With Carob Icing


  • 1 egg
  • ½ cup milk
  • ½ cup creamy almond butter
  • 1 cup whole wheat flour* (plus more for dusting)
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • ¼ cup carob powder
  • ¼ cup boiling water

*Experiment with different flours if wheat is not an option due to allergies.

Almond Butter Doggy Doughnuts
If you don’t have a doughnut-shaped cookie cutter, you can use any other shape you’d like.
Almond Butter Doggy Doughnuts
Bake the doggy doughnuts and doughnut holes for about 20 minutes.


  1. Heat your oven to 375 F.
  2. In a medium bowl, beat the egg and stir in the milk and almond butter until smooth.
  3. Mix in the flour and baking powder until a workable dough forms. You may have to add more flour if the dough is too sticky.
  4. Roll out the dough on a floured workspace to ½-inch thick.
  5. Cut the dough into doughnut-shaped treats and place on a nonstick cookie sheet. (If you don’t have a doughnut-shaped cookie cutter, you can use any other shape you’d like.)
  6. Bake for 20 minutes, or until the treats are hard.
  7. Cool completely on a wire rack.
  8. Mix carob powder and boiling water until the mixture reaches an icing consistency.
  9. Pipe the carob icing onto your treats and allow it to harden. (I don’t have an icing bottle, so I cut a small hole in the corner of a sandwich bag and filled the bag with the icing, making it easy to squeeze out.)
Almond Butter Doggy Doughnuts
You make the icing by mixing carob powder and boiling water until the mixture reaches an icing consistency.
Almond Butter Doggy Doughnuts
This recipe makes about 2 dozen small doughnuts and doughnut holes.

I have to admit, these are probably the cutest and most appetizing dog biscuits I’ve ever made. If I’m ever whipping together some puppy treats for a friend and want to make a good impression, this is the recipe I’ll use.

These new snacks looked scrumptious, so Banjo was an eager fan and gobbled them up with barely a second sniff.

Almond Butter Doggy Doughnuts
Banjo was a big fan of this almond butter doggy doughnut recipe.

Adapted from The Worktop.

vet-cross60pThis pet treat recipe was reviewed by a veterinarian, Dr. Judy Morgan, DVM, CVA, CVCP, CVFT, and is safe for dogs in moderation, but is not a substitute for a complete balanced diet. This recipe was last reviewed and updated May 3, 2019. Dr. Morgan operates 2 award-winning veterinary hospitals in New Jersey that offer an integrative approach to pet care. With a passion for healing her patients with whole foods, she has written several books on holistic pet care — including Yin & Yang Nutrition for Dogs, a holistic cookbook for pets.