Can Dogs Eat Scrambled Eggs? A Comprehensive Guide

Eggs are a nutritious treat packed with protein, but can dogs eat scrambled eggs? There are certain steps to take to ensure their safety before offering.

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Eggs are a popular morning meal, often served up in a variety of forms, like scrambled. But can dogs eat scrambled eggs too? While this can be a nutritious addition to a dog’s diet, proper preparation and serving it correctly is important to keep your furry friend healthy. Thus, this article will explore the benefits, potential risks, and guidelines for feeding scrambled eggs to dogs.

Are Scrambled Eggs Good for Dogs?

While scrambled eggs are generally safe for dogs, there are some risks to consider:

  • Allergic Reactions: Some dogs may be allergic to eggs. Introduce them into the diet slowly and watch for signs of an allergic reaction, such as itching, swelling, or digestive upset.
  • Obesity and Heart Disease: Overfeeding eggs, which are calorie-dense, can lead to obesity and related health issues like heart disease from the extra calories, especially in less active dogs.
  • Additives: Ensure when serving dogs eggs that they are not prepared with added salts or spices, or onion and garlic powder, which are toxic to dogs. Plain is best when offering scrambled eggs to dogs. 

How Much Scrambled Egg Can Dogs Eat? 

The amount of scrambled eggs a dog can safely consume depends on its size and weight. Here is a general guideline for how much scrambled eggs dogs can likely eat:

  • Extra Small (<10 lbs): Dogs in this category should be given no more than 1 teaspoon of scrambled eggs per serving infrequently. 
  • Small (10-25 lbs): Small dogs can have approximately 1 to 2 teaspoons of scrambled eggs in moderation.
  • Medium (25-60 lbs): Medium-sized dogs can be fed around 2 to 3 teaspoons of scrambled eggs. 
  • Large (60-100 lbs): Large dogs can have about 1 tablespoon of scrambled eggs.
  • Giant (100+ lbs): Giant breeds can consume 1 to 2 tablespoons of scrambled eggs. 

It’s important to remember that these are general guidelines and the exact amount can vary based on the dog’s activity level, age, and overall health. Always consult with a veterinarian to determine the appropriate serving size for your specific dog, especially if they have any health issues or special dietary needs.

Nutritional Benefits of Scrambled Eggs 

Scrambled eggs, and eggs in general, are packed with essential nutrients that are beneficial for dogs. Here are some of the health benefits of eggs:

  • Protein: Eggs are a high-quality protein source, crucial for muscle development and repair.
  • Amino Acids: Essential amino acids in eggs support healthy skin, coat, and muscle growth.
  • Vitamins: Eggs contain vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K, supporting various bodily functions like vision, metabolism, and bone health.
  • Minerals: They provide minerals such as iron, selenium, and zinc, which are vital for immune function, thyroid health, and overall well-being.
can dogs eat scrambled eggs

Preparation Tips 

When preparing scrambled eggs for dogs, it’s important to keep them plain and simple and keep these tips in mind:

  • Not a Replacement: Scrambled eggs should not constitute more than 10% of a dog’s daily caloric intake.
  • Health: Dogs with specific health conditions (like obesity or kidney disease) may require a specialized diet. Consult with a veterinarian before introducing eggs.
  • No Salt or Spices: Dogs’ digestive systems are more sensitive than humans’. Avoid adding salt, onions, garlic, or spices that can be harmful or toxic to dogs.
  • Cook Thoroughly: Ensure the eggs are fully cooked to avoid the risk of salmonella poisoning, which can be as harmful to pets as it is to humans. Raw eggs can pose risks that cooked eggs do not, and also may contain bacteria.
  • Moderation is Key: Eggs should be a treat or supplement, not a staple of the dog’s diet. They can be high in calories, which can contribute to weight gain if overfed.


Dogs can develop allergies to any food, including eggs. Here are some common signs of egg allergies in dogs:

  • Skin Irritations: This can include itching, redness, rashes, and hives on various parts of the body. Dogs may excessively scratch or lick these areas.
  • Gastrointestinal Issues: Symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, or excessive gas can occur if a dog is allergic to eggs.
  • Ear Infections: Frequent or recurring ear infections may be a sign of a food allergy, including sensitivity to eggs.
  • Chronic Licking: Allergic reactions can cause discomfort in the paws, leading dogs to lick or chew their feet more than usual.
  • Respiratory Problems: Although less common, some dogs might experience respiratory issues, such as coughing, wheezing, or nasal congestion, as a reaction to eggs.

If you suspect your dog has an allergy to eggs, it’s important to consult with a veterinarian. They can conduct allergy tests and recommend an appropriate diet or treatment plan to manage the symptoms.

In sum, scrambled eggs can be a healthy and tasty treat for dogs when prepared without additives and served in moderation. They offer various nutritional benefits, but like any treat, they should be given as part of a balanced diet. Always consult with a veterinarian before making significant changes to your dog’s diet, especially if they have pre-existing health conditions.


Can Dogs Eat Scrambled Eggs with Cheese?

Dogs can eat a bit of cheese with their scrambled eggs, provided it is in small amounts and ensuring it is a dog-safe cheese. Choose a cheese variety that is low fat and non-toxic to dogs. Always consult with a vet before you feed eggs and other new foods to your pup and beware of lactose intolerance in dogs before adding cheese.

Can Dogs Eat Scrambled Eggs with Milk?

Dogs can technically have scrambled eggs with a small amount of milk, but it’s important to be cautious. Many dogs are lactose intolerant, so offering them milk can lead to gastrointestinal upset, including diarrhea and vomiting. It’s best to consult with a veterinarian before introducing milk into your dog’s diet to ensure it’s a suitable and safe option for them.

Can Dogs Eat Scrambled Eggs with Salt and Butter?

Dogs should not eat scrambled eggs with salt or butter. Salt can lead to sodium ion poisoning in dogs, causing symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst, and urination, and in severe cases, can be life-threatening. Butter, being high in fat, can contribute to obesity and pancreatitis in dogs. It’s best to cook scrambled eggs for dogs without any added salt, butter, or other seasonings and fats to ensure their meal is safe and healthy. 

Can Dogs Eat Eggshells?

Generally, dogs can eat eggshells in moderation as they are a good source of calcium and minerals. However, the eggshells should be ground into a fine powder to avoid the risk of choking or digestive tract injuries. Before feeding eggshells to your dog, it’s advisable to boil them to eliminate any potential bacteria. Always consult with a veterinarian to determine the appropriate amount of eggshell powder to include in your dog’s diet, ensuring it’s safe and beneficial for their specific health needs. 

Can Dogs Eat Scrambled Eggs for Upset Stomach?

Scrambled eggs, that are plain without salts, seasonings, or added butter and oils, can be given to dogs with an upset stomach and digestion issues. Plain scrambled eggs can help with diarrhea in some dogs, as long as there are no additives. 


Here are some simple scrambled egg recipes tailored for dogs, focusing on healthy and safe ingredients. Remember to only serve these dishes in moderation, as a treat or part of a balanced diet. Ensure all ingredients used are dog-safe and avoid using salt, onions, garlic, or any harmful spices. Always contact a vet before offering new foods to your dog to ensure it is safe for their specific health needs.

Plain Scrambled Eggs


  • 1 egg


  • Beat the egg in a bowl. 
  • Heat a non-stick pan over medium heat, pour in the egg, and cook until firm, stirring frequently. 
  • Let it cool before serving an appropriate amount to your dog.

Scrambled Eggs with Vegetables


  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped carrots


  • Beat the egg and mix with the chopped vegetables. 
  • Cook in a non-stick pan over medium heat until the egg is set and vegetables are tender. 
  • Allow it to cool before giving some to your dog.

Scrambled Eggs with Pumpkin


  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon pureed pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling)


  • Mix the egg and pumpkin puree together. 
  • Cook in a non-stick pan until the egg is set. 
  • Allow the scrambled egg to cool before serving some to your dog.

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