The Anguish of Separation Anxiety in Dogs — Curing Dog Separation Anxiety Quickly

Discover methods for curing dog separation anxiety quickly. Learn signs, causes, and treatments for a happier pet.

curing dog separation anxiety quickly image
Curing dog separation anxiety quickly is a common concern for many pet owners. Separation anxiety affects about 17% of all dogs in the United States. By: Elissa

As a pet sitter, I see the effects of separation anxiety in dogs all too often. Our dogs really are like our children — and like children, dogs can become extremely anxious when their folks are away.

So what can you do to help in curing dog separation anxiety quickly? After all, you need to be able to leave the house for extended periods of time – that’s just life.

But rest assured that you don’t have to spend the entirety of your dog’s life holed up at home.

Understanding the Impact of Separation Anxiety on Dogs

Separation anxiety in dogs can lead to significant stress, manifesting in both behavioral and physical symptoms. Dogs suffering from this condition may exhibit destructive behaviors, excessive barking, and signs of distress such as drooling or trembling. Over time, the constant state of anxiety can impact a dog’s overall well-being, leading to issues like weight loss, weakened immune response, and increased susceptibility to illness. Understanding these impacts is crucial for pet owners to empathize with their pets and seek appropriate treatment strategies.

How to Confirm If Your Dog Has Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is exactly what it sounds like – your dog becomes distressed when you aren’t around.

In her book Treating Separation Anxiety in Dogs, Malena DeMartini-Price, CTC, writes, “Separation anxiety in a dog is the equivalent of a full-blown panic attack in a human due to the anxiety and fear of being left alone. The severity of the panic attack each dog manifests and the way it displays may be different, but the physiological basics are the same.”

If you suspect your dog has separation anxiety, you’re not alone. “Separation anxiety affects about 17 percent of the 78 million dogs in the United States, a staggering number by any standards,” says DeMartini-Price.

Recognizing the Signs of Separation Anxiety in Dogs

Separation anxiety manifests in several different ways.

For example, I have 2 charges in the same household who have it, but their anxiety bubbles up in completely different expressions. One dog barks, drools, and displays fearful, aggressive, and shy behavior. The other withdraws, seems sad, and refuses to eat.

According to the ASPCA, other behaviors that could indicate separation anxiety include:

  • Urination
  • Defecation
  • Destruction of property/toys
  • Howling
  • Excessive chewing or digging
  • Escape attempts
Separation anxiety can manifest itself in several different dog behaviors, including destroying furniture and other property as well as refusing to eat. By: Bennilover

Is It Really Separation Anxiety?

The first step?

Discuss Bobo’s behavior with the veterinarian to rule out any medical issues that may cause symptoms like urination or defecation. The vet has access to your dog’s medical history as well and can pinpoint potential causes.

Another issue to rule out is simple boredom. Many dogs require a high level of exercise to meet their need for engagement.

“The cases most commonly misinterpreted by owners are those of the under-stimulated and/or under-exercised dog,” DeMartini-Price says.

“The owner returns home to garbage strewn around the house, socks tossed about the living room along with other wreckage and then understandably judges the debris as the evidence of separation anxiety. In reality, many of these dogs are just bored and need vigorous exercise and a proper ‘job’ to do during absences.”

Common Mistakes in Treating Dog Separation Anxiety

A common mistake that people who have dogs with separation anxiety make is thinking that a second dog will keep them company and make them less anxious when you aren’t home.

Your dog wants you. By all means, adopt another dog, but don’t expect that this will cure the behavior.

For the same reason, your scent will not satisfy your dog. He knows you’re gone because he can’t see you, and the house is probably quieter than usual. Covering his crate is a good move, but it won’t work unless he’s emotionally comfortable in his crate.

If you try to rush through training your dog to overcome separation anxiety, his bad behavior may worsen. By: biscuitsmlp

Using Crate Training to Help Cure Dog Separation Anxiety

One of the toughest things about separation anxiety is that crating the dog doesn’t make a difference. In fact, your dog probably hates it.

The best thing you can do for curing dog separation anxiety quickly is to start a crate-training program, which can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to complete, depending on the dog. Meanwhile, you’ll also need to work on the barking, if that’s an issue.

As you train the dog, go slow and make sure the dog is comfortable with each step to ensure you are curing dog separation anxiety quickly. Move at his pace, not yours. If you rush your dog, you run the risk of making the separation worse.

Nutritional Support for Anxious Dogs

Diet plays a vital role in managing a dog’s anxiety levels. Certain foods and supplements can help reduce anxiety and promote a sense of calm. Incorporating ingredients rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, like fish oil, can support brain health and reduce anxiety symptoms. Additionally, calming supplements containing ingredients such as L-theanine, chamomile, and melatonin can be beneficial. Discussing these options with a veterinarian can help tailor a diet that supports your dog’s mental health, aiding in curing dog separation anxiety quickly.

Additional Techniques for Curing Dog Separation Anxiety Quickly

  • Consult a pro: Before starting any training aimed at curing dog separation anxiety quickly, the ASPCA strongly recommends that you consult with and possibly hire a certified applied animal behaviorist (CAAB or ACAAB) or a board-certified veterinary behaviorist (Dip ACVB).
  • Counter-conditioning: The ASPCA also recommends starting with counter-conditioning for curing dog separation anxiety quickly. Put simply, you offer something great that your dog loves — plus something that he fears or dislikes, such as being alone. KONG toys filled with a treat that you only leave out when you leave the house are a great tool for this.
  • Desensitization: Start off by leaving the house in short increments of time. This will teach Bobo that, even if you leave, you will return. As he becomes more adjusted, you can leave for longer periods of time.
  • Try a pet sitter: Have someone come and stay with your dog. As a pet sitter, I caution you to take your time and select the right person for the job. You need someone who will tailor their time and approach to the individual needs of your dog, not someone who is going to stop by for 5 minutes and dump some kibble in a bowl.

Technology Tools to Monitor and Manage Anxiety

Modern technology offers various tools to help manage and monitor dog separation anxiety effectively. Pet cameras allow owners to observe their dogs in real time and respond quickly if anxiety behaviors are observed. Automatic treat dispensers can be programmed to provide treats at intervals, helping to distract and calm dogs during their owner’s absence. Additionally, anxiety-relief apps and devices that play soothing music or emit calming pheromones can create a more serene environment for anxious pets, which is crucial for curing dog separation anxiety quickly.

Dealing with separation anxiety is not a fun task for you or your dog. But with a little help, love, and patience, you’ll both get through it.

And when you do, you’ll finally be able to take that trip you’ve been thinking about without worrying your dog will destroy the house while you’re gone.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How to treat separation anxiety in dogs?

To treat separation anxiety in dogs, consider methods for curing dog separation anxiety quickly, such as behavior modification, crate training, and consult a veterinarian for possible medication.

How to stop separation anxiety in dogs?

To stop separation anxiety in dogs, you should focus on curing dog separation anxiety quickly through consistent training, gradual desensitization, and creating a calm environment.

How to fix separation anxiety in dogs?

To fix separation anxiety in dogs, implement strategies aimed at curing dog separation anxiety quickly, including the use of calming supplements and seeking professional help if needed.

How to help separation anxiety in dogs?

To help separation anxiety in dogs, adopt a comprehensive approach focused on curing dog separation anxiety quickly, incorporating both behavioral and environmental modifications.