Adopting a Senior Dog: Benefits and Expert Guide

Learn the benefits of adopting a senior dog. From easy care and instant bonding, discover why an older dog might be the perfect addition to your family.

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This expert guide to adopting a senior dog was written by a team of animal welfare experts including Matt Bershadker, president and CEO of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA); former animal shelter worker Allison Gray; longtime senior pet foster mom Tamar Love Grande; and veterinarian Dr. Debora Lichtenberg, VMD.

Petful editor-in-chief Kristine Lacoste, a former local coordinator for the Dogs on Deployment organization, also contributed to this article, as did T.J. Banks, author of the book Catsong, winner of a Merial Human-Animal Bond Award. Finally, Petful publisher Dave Baker edited this guide, which was last reviewed and updated on May 24, 2024.

adopting a senior dog
Adopting a senior dog from the shelter? Don’t be alarmed if they need some time to adjust. Photo: MiikaS

Why Senior Dogs Make Great Pets

For an old dog, the cruelest fate is dying in an animal shelter without love, comfort, or warmth.

For years, they gave their human love and devotion, only to be left in a cold, noisy place.

Perhaps their human died, or maybe just couldn’t pay the vet bills anymore. Whatever happened, the pet is confused and often depressed.

“A lot of people think that if they drop their older dog off at the shelter, it will get adopted and have a great life with someone else” explains Vicki Clinebell, writing on Dogtime. “This just isn’t so. Many of these animals become depressed and are overlooked for younger, cuter dogs.”

The pet’s age isn’t the pet’s problem so much as a problem in the minds of prospective adopters conditioned to think that, because kittens and puppies are “cuter,” they might make better pets or create stronger bonds.

Neither is necessarily true — and for senior pets in shelters, this prejudice can be deadly. Older animals with longer stays are often the least likely to be adopted and the most likely to be euthanized.

This is why coming to a shelter with an open mind is so crucial.

Benefits of Adopting a Senior Dog

Senior Dogs “Love More Deeply”

Tamar Love Grande, the former associate editor of Petful, has specialized in senior shelter dogs for several years now, pulling these older pets from the shelters, getting them the medical attention they need, and finding them homes.

“All pets love unconditionally, but older ones love more deeply,” she says.

“They’ve been around the block a few times, and they’ve seen the best and worst of humanity. They know when they’ve found a good thing — and they’ll spend their remaining years thanking you.”

Why Older Dogs Are Surrendered

People surrender their elderly pets to shelters for a number of reasons.

Because senior pets have often been with a single family their entire lives, the reasons for surrender tend to be more serious, such as:

  • Relocation or death. The human may be moving to a senior living center or has died.
  • Financial difficulties. Drastic increases in a pet’s medical costs because of age-related health problems may produce bills that are impossible to pay.
  • Lifestyle change. Sudden disruptions, such as divorce or job loss, can lead many to give up their senior pets.

The Fate of Senior Shelter Pets

Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary, based in Tennessee, gives the grim truth:

“Senior dogs, especially those with medical problems or disabilities, face a much greater chance of euthanasia at shelters than younger dogs because it is difficult to find adopters for them due to their shorter additional life expectancy and unknown veterinary costs.”

Open-access shelters are responsible for accepting all pets — friendly, aggressive, healthy, sick, young, and old.

But faced with limited space and a finite number of adopters, shelters have to decide to humanely euthanize some of their pets.

Senior dogs face a higher chance of being euthanized than their healthy, young counterparts.

That’s not because senior pets don’t make phenomenal pets — because they do! It’s because the average adopter wants a young dog.

“No-kill” shelters and rescues might seem like a solution to the homeless senior pet, but most of these organizations have strict regulations for admitting animals and may not accept pets over a certain age. (For more on that, see our article “The Problem with ‘No-Kill’ Shelters.”)

Older dogs typically don’t need the training that their younger counterparts need in a new home. Photo: sergeljeanette

6 Reasons for Adopting a Senior Dog

1. They Are Easy to Take Care Of
Three short walks a day is a perfect day. They can still run a bit but don’t need to show off like their younger counterparts.
If you go around the block or they stay out in the yard for an hour, they are happy campers!

2. They Are Gentle and Predictable
Think about it — if you adopt a puppy, you don’t know what you’re going to get. And you have to do all that training.

Whereas the personalities of puppies change as they grow up, a senior dog’s personality is fully formed, making them more predictable. That doesn’t mean they can’t learn — in fact, they can be amazingly adaptive.

3. They Are Great for All Ages
Kids can pet their heads, and they will sleep by them.

If you’re a little older, you both would go perfectly together: You like to take a nap during the day? So do they. Go to bed early? They’re right there with you. Take a little car ride to the drugstore. They love car trips. Their goal at this stage of life is to devote themselves to you.

4. They Are Great Companions for Other Pets
Need a trainer dog to show the little jerk at home how to behave? They’re over that for sure.

Trust me — when the rest of the brood is driving you crazy, they’re a model citizen.

5. They Will Be Your New Best Friend
If you take them away from this shelter, you are their savior. Their tears for their old family have all dried up. Their heart is open and ready to give you all the love in it.

6. They Need You
Folks think 7 is old around here, so time is running out.

Their stay at the shelter is not infinite. When they need more rooms for busy season, their number will be up. If you take them home, you truly are saving their life.

    Even More Reasons in Adopting a Senior Dog

    • Old dogs aren’t obnoxious or high-maintenance, and they’re usually house-trained.
    • They seldom dig or chew. They prefer to lie in the sun or curl up next to your feet. They’ll enjoy walks or trips to the park, but they’d just as soon chew a nice, meaty bone in front of the fireplace.

    Every time you adopt an animal, you open up a space for another animal. So you’re not only giving an older pet another chance for a home — you’re also helping to ease overcrowded shelters and rescues.

    Senior dogs are usually well-socialized and calmer than pups. Photo: pmarkham

    Adopting a Senior Dog: The First Few Days

    Despite all their positive benefits, older pets are not without problems, especially those who have spent time in an animal shelter.

    When you bring home an older animal, you’ll need to keep a few things in mind.

    The shelter is a lonely, depressing place to live, whether it’s for a few days or a few months, so your new old friend will need time to recuperate. Try the following:

    • Give them a soft bed, a warm blanket, and lots of love.
    • If they sleep for 3 days straight, don’t be alarmed. They may not eat or drink, and they might not even want to go to the bathroom.
    • Try to entice them to eat, and show them the water bowl. Give them time to acclimate.

    Potential Health Problems in Senior Dogs

    Depending on the breed, your new old pet could be prone to a few common age-related health conditions, such as:

    • Vision or hearing loss
    • Hypothyroidism
    • Arthritis
    • Heart murmurs

    Vet bills may actually be lower than you think, though. For example, Lori Fusaro adopted a senior dog named Sunny. At 16, Sunny had infected eyes and a tumor on her leg that was cancerous. Lori told Today that vet visits helped clear the eye infections, and Sunny was prescribed pain medication for just $60 per month.

    Of course, there’s always a chance your new family member may have something more serious, such as diabetes, kidney failure, cancer, or another condition.

    What you do depends upon the quality of life, your personal belief system, and your bank account.

    Expenses: What’s This Going to Cost Me?

    Aging pets can be expensive, so expect that your buddy will rack up a hefty bill the first time you take them to the veterinarian.

    Cover the basics during this first visit:

    • Senior blood panel (which includes a thyroid test)
    • Urinalysis
    • Fecal test
    • Rectal exam

    Expect to spend $150–400 on this initial visit. Many city and county animal control facilities work with local vets to provide a free checkup within 3–5 days after you adopt your pet, which will save you the cost of a vet visit. Some veterinarians even give a discount for shelter animals. It doesn’t hurt to ask.

    Joy and gratitude from both sides are among the reasons to make an older pet part of your family. Photo: aaron_anderer

    The Life-Changing Rewards of Adopting a Senior Dog

    Given the potential health problems, expenses, and expectations of a short time together, why on earth would anyone want to adopt a senior pet?

    Two words: joy and gratitude.

    You’ll see gratitude in your pet’s eyes and joy in their wagging tail, but you will also feel joy and gratitude yourself every time you look at the sweet old soul you rescued — joy because this special pet will love you so much, and gratitude that you are worthy of that love.

    No love is deeper and more meaningful than the love of a pet for the human who saves him.

    Sharing that love, even if it’s only for a short time, will change you forever.

    Dog Bowl stars Dino (left) and Gus, both 6, were adopted from the ASPCA Adoption Center.

    Changing Perspectives on Adopting a Senior Dog

    Perspectives can change when our media channels become more inclusive.

    Social media has largely done its part to showcase older and adult animals, including Chloe Kardoggian (age 13), Marnie the Dog (age 16), and Lil Bub (age 6). Their platforms are being used to raise awareness about adult and senior animal adoption.

    And that’s great. But we still need to see more depictions of healthy adult pet adoptions in the storylines of kids’ books, games, movies, TV shows, and commercials.

    In one positive development, Animal Planet’s Puppy Bowl has added Puppy Bowl Presents: The Dog Bowl the night before the year’s biggest football game.

    The game was played exclusively by older dogs, including a 6-year-old retriever mix named Gus and a 6-year-old Labrador/Beagle mix named Dino, both of whom were adopted from the ASPCA Adoption Center in 2017. We hope that seeing the fun, playful side of adult animals in The Dog Bowl encouraged single-minded adopters to think again.

    However animal adopters get the message, they need to know that the best way to find a “perfect pet” is by checking preconceived notions at the shelter door, asking lots of questions, and letting their hearts guide them.

    A sweet dog’s life may depend on it.

    Old Dog Haven: A Sanctuary for Senior Dogs

    Old Dog Haven is a non-profit, foster-based senior dog rescue dedicated to providing loving homes for abandoned senior dogs in Western Washington. This incredible organization ensures that elderly dogs, who are often overlooked in shelters, receive the care, comfort, and love they deserve in their golden years.

    Through a network of compassionate foster homes, Old Dog Haven offers these dogs a second chance at life, providing them with medical care and a stable environment. Their mission is to help these senior dogs live out their days in dignity and peace, surrounded by love and companionship. To learn more about their work or to get involved, visit their website at Old Dog Haven.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    What to buy when adopting a senior dog

    When adopting a senior dog, ensure you have a comfortable bed, age-appropriate food, joint supplements, and any necessary medications.

    Questions to ask when adopting a senior dog

    When adopting a senior dog, ask about their medical history, daily routine, dietary needs, and any behavioral issues.