5 Things to Know About Ragamuffins

The Ragamuffin is an affectionate cat who is great with kids and loves to follow you around the house.

Ragamuffins are a relatively new cat breed. Photo: Sergey Skleznev

1. Key Characteristics of Ragamuffin Cats

  • Weight: 15–20 pounds for males, 10–15 pounds for females
  • Life Expectancy: 18 years

The Ragamuffin is a large, strong, healthy cat with a medium-long coat that comes in various colors and patterns.

The coat is thick, resembling rabbit’s fur.

Ragamuffins have large, expressive eyes and thrive on human companionship.

2. Where Ragamuffin Cats Came From

Though there are conflicting stories about this cat’s origins, the most commonly accepted history involves breeding that began with the Ragdoll cat.

Ann Baker began breeding Ragdoll cats in the 1960s after acquiring a beautiful cat with a calm and affectionate personality. She formed an association to protect the breed and had strict breeding requirements.

In 1994, a group broke off from her organization because of these requirements and began breeding Ragdoll cats with Persian cats and Himalayans. This new breed came to be known as the Ragamuffin.

The Cat Fanciers’ Association accepted the breed in 2003 and allowed their advancement to championship class in 2011.

Ragamuffins are large, affectionate cats who love their families and children.

3. How Friendly Are Ragamuffin Cats?

Ragamuffins are known for their relaxed and affectionate personalities.

They thrive on human companionship and attention, and you’ll often find yours waiting at the door for you. They will probably curl up in your lap for hours. Ragamuffins are patient with children and enjoy being around other pets.

These cats love to cuddle and play. They can be vocal at times and will want to stay close to you.

Ragamuffins don’t reach maturity until 4–5 years old, so be prepared for an extended kitten period full of playfulness and an overload of cute.

4. Is This the Right Cat for You?

Exercise Needs

LOW: Ragamuffins don’t have any special exercise needs. Keep yours indoors. Their affectionate and trusting nature can make them unaware or fearless of outdoor dangers.

Like most cats, they’ll sleep long hours, play, run and jump. Contact your veterinarian if your Ragamuffin isn’t very active — this could be a sign of a health problem.

Grooming Needs

MEDIUM: The Ragamuffin’s medium-long coat is dense and soft with a long, plush tail. The fur doesn’t mat or clump easily, so grooming is minimal.

Brush your Ragamuffin at least once a week — or daily if you want to minimize shedding.

Trim the cat’s nails as needed (every 1–2 weeks) and clean the ears and teeth to promote good overall health.

Health Problems

LOW: There are no known genetic health problems in the Ragamuffin breed. These cats can become overweight, so monitor their food intake and keep mealtimes consistent.

In the video below, a Ragamuffin cat is feeding her kittens — too much cuteness!

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5. Where to Adopt a Ragamuffin Cat

If you’re considering getting a Ragamuffin for your next pet, please check adoption resources — even purebred animals end up in shelters. Start with our free pet adoption search page. Be aware that some unscrupulous breeders operate kitten mills.

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