Abscesses in Dogs: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Discover the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for abscesses in dogs. Learn how to prevent abscesses and keep your pet healthy.


This Abscesses in Dogs content was written by a veterinarian, in the Petful Team and was last updated on July 17, 2024

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Some abscesses in dogs may require minor surgery. Photo: Petful

What are Abscesses in Dogs

An abscess is a localized buildup of pus that occurs in a dog when bacteria penetrate tissue — usually as a result of a fight or minor injury.

  • What it is: A painful, swollen area on your dog’s body filled with pus.
  • Common causes: Dog fights, minor injuries, or any situation where bacteria can enter the tissue.

Be warned: The pus inside an abscess can be quite stinky.

Symptoms of an Abscess in Dogs

  • Initial Signs: After an injury, it can take 2 to 5 days for an abscess to develop. In the early days, you might notice a clump of sticky hairs or a scab marking the site of a small wound.
  • Tender and Warm: The area may be tender and warm to the touch as infection brews beneath the surface, causing pus to build up and a swelling to develop.
  • Behavioral Changes: Your dog may become quieter than usual and may go off their food.
  • Bursting Abscess: If an abscess bursts, don’t panic. The pus can be foul-smelling and bloodstained, but the animal is in no danger of hemorrhage.

Abscess Size: The size of an abscess can range from a blister between the toes (caused by a grass awn) to extremely large. For instance, last year, I treated a Golden Retriever with an abscess the size of a football.

Common Sites for Abscess Formation in Dogs

Abscesses in dogs can form in various parts of the body. Some common sites for abscess formation include:

  • Head and Neck: These areas are often affected due to fights or bites.
  • Paws: Abscesses can develop between the toes, often caused by foreign objects like grass awns.
  • Mouth: Dental abscesses occur when bacteria enter through damaged teeth or gums.
  • Tail and Rear: Injuries or bites in this region can lead to abscess formation.
  • Body: Any area with a penetrating injury can develop an abscess.

Knowing the common sites for abscesses in dogs can help you identify and treat them early, ensuring better health for your pet.

What Causes Abscesses in Dogs?

Any injury that penetrates the skin’s protective barrier can result in an abscess.

  • Bites: Bites are a common cause because the attacker’s teeth are coated in bacteria.
  • Tooth Root Abscesses: Tooth root abscesses can develop when a tooth crown cracks or becomes damaged, and bugs from the mouth track down the root. Learn more about tooth root abscesses.
  • Other Causes: Anything that pierces the skin, such as a grass awn between the toes, can set off an abscess. The body tries to “wall off” the infection, hence the formation of a lump filled with pus.

Diagnosis of Abscesses in Dogs

Your vet will be suspicious of a skin abscess based on the dog’s symptoms and history, such as a recent fight, going off food, and running a fever.

  • Confirmation: Confirming the diagnosis is easily done (provided the patient is not too sore) by popping a needle into the swelling and seeing if pus drips out.
  • Dental Abscesses: Dental abscesses can be tricky to diagnose. Dental radiographs are necessary to identify exactly which tooth is causing the problem. Learn more about dental radiographs.

Treatment of an Abscess in Dogs

  • Antibiotics: By the time an abscess is obvious, a course of antibiotics is required to settle the infection. Most vets use a broad-spectrum antibiotic effective against the staphylococci bacteria found on the skin’s surface.
  • Culturing Pus: Rarely, the abscess fails to respond to initial treatment. In such cases, a sample of pus is cultured to identify the bacteria present and determine which antibiotic will be most effective.

This video shows veterinarian Dr. Meredith Kennedy explaining abscesses and treatment on Rocky, a female Labrador:

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Important Steps in Treating an Abscess in Dogs

An important part of treating an abscess involves the following steps:

  • Lance the Abscess: This helps to open the abscess and allow the pus to be drained.
  • Drain the Pus Out: Removing the pus is crucial to prevent further infection and promote healing.
  • Flush the Cavity: The cavity is thoroughly flushed to remove any remaining bacteria and debris.

This is a minor surgical procedure and is often done with the patient sedated because it can be sore and uncomfortable.

When to See a Veterinarian for Abscesses

It is crucial to consult a veterinarian if you suspect your dog has an abscess. Some signs that indicate it’s time to seek professional help include:

  • Persistent Swelling: If the swelling does not reduce or continues to grow.
  • Fever: A sign that the infection may be spreading.
  • Severe Pain: If your dog is in noticeable discomfort or pain.
  • Lethargy: If your dog appears unusually tired or unresponsive.
  • Lack of Appetite: If your dog refuses to eat or drink.

Early intervention can prevent complications and ensure the abscess is treated effectively, promoting quicker recovery for your dog.

How to Prevent an Abscess in Dogs

If you find a fresh wound on your pet, bathing the injury with a weak disinfectant can reduce contamination and the risk of abscess formation.

  • Salt Water Solution: Mix 1 teaspoon of salt into 1 pint of freshly boiled water and leave it to cool. Soak some cotton wool or lint in the disinfectant and use it to thoroughly clean the area.
    • Note: Phenol-based disinfectants are toxic to cats. If in doubt about their suitability, check with your veterinarian before use.
  • Neutering: Another important prevention is getting your animals neutered. Intact animals are more likely to roam and get into fights over territory.

For more detailed information on abscesses in cats, please visit Petful’s comprehensive article on abscesses in cats.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What causes abscesses in dogs?

Abscesses in dogs are caused by bacteria entering the tissue through injuries such as bites, scratches, or foreign objects penetrating the skin.
